Well, it’s been a while since our last plugin release but we think that this one has been worth the wait.
After lots of hard work we’re proud to announce the release of Flexible FAQs, a plugin to make it easy to manage large sets of FAQs on your WordPress websites.

You can style each group of FAQs exactly how you like using any (or all!) of the 45+ available styling options. You really do have a lot of control over how FAQs are displayed on your site.

As well as this we’ve gone to considerable effort to make creating and editing FAQs very easy on the back end too.

Once you’ve defined a few FAQs then simply drag/drop them to reorder them however you want. It couldn’t be simpler. To see all the FAQ demos currently available why not take a look at the live demo?
Launch Flexible FAQs Live Demo
Do you have a favorite FAQ style? Be sure to let us know in the comments.
What’s more, this is only the initial release of Flexible FAQs. We’ve got lots more features lined up for future releases including:
- More FAQ templates.
- Even more style settings!
- Submit FAQs from the front end.
- Import and export FAQs.
- Preset FAQ themes.
- Plus, much more to come…
If you’d like to keep up to date with the latest Flexible FAQs development news then you can signup to our newsletter here. We’d love to be able to share all the cool features as they become available.
If you have any suggestions for features that you’d like to see then please let us know! We can’t wait to hear your ideas.